
Dark Theme
Round: 1
Time: 5:00


Come back tomorrow for a new Fastdle!

New Game in:

📱 Announcing the official iOS Fastdle App!

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Best Time

Latest Updates

Update March-8-2024

Date Added to Shared Results

The date is now included in the shared results.

Daily refersh changed to midnight EST

The daily refresh has been updated from 5am EST to 12:00 am EST.

🐢 Bug Fix & Threshold Change

A bug resulting in incorrect 🐢 placement has been fixed. The threshold to trigger the 🐢 emoji has been reduced from 3 minutes to 2 minutes.

Page Reload Fix

Once again I've attempted to improve how the daily refresh works. Instead of requiring a page reload, it should update automatically when the new day begins at 12:00 am EST.

Update February-17-2024

Next Game Timer

Added a timer on the Endgame UI that counts down until the next game is available.

Welcome to Fastdle

📱 Announcing the official iOS Fastdle App!

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Fastle is 3 rounds of the classic Wordle game

Once you exit these instructions a 5 minute timer will begin.

Guess the word for each round in six tries.

If the timer gets to 0 seconds you lose.

If you fail a single round you lose.

Each guess must be a valid five-letter word. Hit the enter button to submit.

After each guess, the color of the tiles will change to show how close your guess was to the word.

A new Fastdle will be available each day!

Updated Daily at 5am ET

How is Fastdle different than Wordle?

Wordle players have unlimted time to solve 1 unique puzzle a day. Fastdle has a 5 minute timer to complete all 3 rounds. Other than that the rules are the same.

Is Fastdle owned by owned by the New York Times like Wordle?

No. Fastdle is an independent project by @triviatroy. Wordle is owned by the New York Times.

IsFastdle better than Wordle?


Wordle answers can have 2 of the same letter. Does Fastdle include double letters?

Yes Fastdle words can have double letters. If a player gusses a word with a double letter and only 1 of the letters turns yellow/green it means there is only 1 of those letters in the target word.